Analyst Report

Dresner 2023 Analytical Data Infrastructure Market Study

Download the report to see how Exasol ranks as a leader in customer experience and vendor credibility quadrants.

Exasol ranks ‘Best in Class’ for all sales and acquisition measures.

Find out why our customers have awarded us a perfect recommend score for the sixth year in a row for analytical data infrastructure and learn how Exasol compares to the competition. Download the report now to see why our customers rank us:

  • An overall leader for vendor credibility and customer experience
  • Best in class across a range of measures, including:
    • Integrity and value
    • Understanding business needs
    • Product completeness of functionality
    • Consulting professionalism
    • Sales responsiveness, flexibility & follow-up
  • And why 100% of our customers who participated in the survey would recommend us again.

Dresner Advisory Services Wisdom of Crowds® 2023 Analytical Data Infrastructure (ADI) Report will give you an overview of perceptions, intentions, and realities linked with ADI platform choices.

The study is based on surveys completed by customers from each of 16 competing vendors. The responses form the basis for ranking each vendor on a five point scale across 33 different measures.