What is a virtual machine (VM)?
A virtual machine (VM) is an operating system or application environment that is installed on software which imitates dedicated hardware. The end user has the same experience on a virtual machine as they would have on dedicated hardware.
It is a fundamental part of many modern cloud infrastructures, the other component is called the Hypervisor, which is a piece of software that creates and runs the virtual machines.
Why use a virtual machine (VM)?
Using a virtual machine can reduce your hardware costs and enable you to be more flexible and scalable in your infrastructure.
Latest Virtual Machine Insights
When you choose between on-premises and cloud you have to first assess which one is more fitting to your strategy – not the other way around. Read about the three fundamental questions you need to consider for it.
Read more on On-Premises and Cloud >
Two key areas are to be considered for choosing ‘the right tech’ for your business: Real-time data analysis for your large quantities of data and keeping flexible with cloud, on-premises and hybrid strategies.
Run Exasol on Microsoft Azure cloud and leverage the flexibility, support for local storage, and durable, highly available Azure Storage.
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