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Exasol Training

Expand your knowledge about Exasol

Instructor-Led Training

Instructor-Led Trainings allow for a free exchange of ideas, team building, and a dynamic, hands-on learning experience.  Our trainers will work with you onsite or remotely via web conference to deliver an engaging and interactive course that will leave you fully prepared to utilize the awesome speed of Exasol. See our Course Catalog below and contact us to learn more.

Free online training

Exasol’s free online training contains videos, quizzes and hands-on practice. Each module is self-paced with no deadline and can usually be completed within a day.

Course Catalog

Explore Exasol’s Instructor-Led and Exacademy course offerings along three separate tracks

Start Here with the Common Track

This track is for anyone who uses Exasol in a technical role and includes the courses:

This should be the first course you enroll to, as it’s the foundation for all our other courses. This course is for everyone in a technical role who uses the Exasol database. It’s the prerequisite for all our other courses. No prior experience in Exasol is needed, but we expect some SQL knowledge.

The course shows Exasol’s performance features, optimization techniques and best practices. This is for everyone working in a technical role with Exasol. The course Exasol Essentials is a prerequisite for this course.

Developer Track

Database developers and data scientists can dive deeper into Lua fundamentals and scripting techniques through this learning track.

This course is for attendees who want to learn to develop Lua programs in Exasol. No prior programming experience in Lua is required. You should attend the course Exasol Essentials before this course.

This course has been designed for everyone who already completed the Exasol Essentials training course and who wants to learn more about developing UDF Scripts features in Exasol. You should be familiar with at least one of the following languages: Lua, Python, Java, or R.

Although the course is in the Developer track, Administrators who want to learn about Virtual Schemas may also enroll. The course Exasol Essentials is a prerequisite for this course. Mind that you import an Oracle Database as VirtualBox appliance during the hands-on labs of this course. Then you connect it to the Exasol Community Edition VirtualBox VM. Using a public demo account is not an option for this course.

Administrator Track

Admins managing an Exasol database can learn about cluster architecture, installation, and scalability in this track.

This course has been designed for Administrators in charge of an Exasol Database. Also Developers and other people in technical roles may benefit from it.

This course has been designed for Administrators in charge of an Exasol Cluster Database. Also Developers and other people in technical roles may benefit from it. You will be doing several quite elaborate technical tasks including the installation and configuration of an Exasol Cluster during this course. But it results in having your own Exasol Sandbox to play with, so it might be worth the effort.

This course was designed for Administrators to become familiar with Exasol on AWS. Also Developers and other people in technical roles may benefit from it.

This course was designed for Administrators to become familiar with Exasol on Azure. Also Developers and other people in technical roles may benefit from it.

Get Certified for Free!

By completing 70% of the Hands-on Exercises in each Exacademy Course, you are eligible for one free attempt at the respective certification exam. You can request your voucher directly in the Exacademy course.

The fine print

Eligibility for a free certification voucher is determined by your score on the hands-on exercises in Exacademy. You must score at least 70% on the hands-on exercises to be eligible for your voucher. Each person is only eligible for one voucher per course. Vouchers may not be used by or given to other participants. If you do not want to complete the course, the option to pay $150 to take the certification exam remains. For any questions, please contact us.

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