What is a TPC-H Benchmark?
A TPC-H Benchmark is a transaction processing and database benchmark specific to decision support – i.e. analytics, run and managed by the Transaction Processing Performance Council.
Exasol holds the number one position in the TPC-H benchmark for both raw performance and price performance on data volumes ranging from 300GB through to 100TB.
Why use the TPC-H Benchmark?
Many databases claim to be the fastest, so the TPC-H Benchmark gives you a reliable source to base your judgement on.
Exasol holds the number one position in the TPC-H benchmark for both raw performance and price performance on data volumes ranging from 300GB through to 100TB.
Did you know?
Exasol holds the number one position in the TPC-H benchmark for both raw performance and price performance on data volumes ranging from 300GB through to 100TB.
Latest TPC-H Benchmark Insights
Testing a product and running your own benchmark is the best move for customers. Read on to learn why.
What exactly is a Performance Unit in the TPC-H Benchmark and what are its 3 components? Read on to find out.
Over the years, there have been over 220 recorded TPC-H benchmarks. Exasol has maintained its position as the undisputed leader with data volumes that range from 100GB up to 100TB.
Read more on the TPC-H benchmark >
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