What is Logical Data Warehouse (LDW)?
A Logical Data Warehouse (LDW) is an architectural layer that sits on top of the usual data warehouse stores (silos) of persisted data and provides several mechanisms for viewing data without relocating and transforming data ahead of view time.
It has the advantage of providing data that is fresher and not limited to the format used in the traditional data warehouse although it does require the resources of a powerful analytic engine.
Why use a Logical Data Warehouse?
A logical layer that allows you to see all the data in your data warehouse and elsewhere across your business without moving or needing to transform any data before you can do this – so it removes the hassle of having to consolidate critical data that’s scattered across silos. It also has the advantage of enabling you to access more up-to-the-minute data and doesn’t limit this to the format used in the traditional data warehouse – although it does require the resources of a powerful analytic engine.
Did you know?
Gartner invented the term in 2011 when considering technical architectures of the future that were designed to incorporate and organize all the data held within an organization.
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