What is Flexible Deployment?
Flexible Deployment refers to a new generation of software that allows complete flexibility on how and where your applications run. They can be run on your own servers, as an appliance (a combination of hardware and software delivered and preconfigured to work straight away) or in the cloud, with all the benefits of running in the cloud.
Why use Flexible deployment?
It goes without saying that having a deployment method that fits in with your current IT infrastructure and operating methods is better for everyone involved.
Latest Flexible Deployment Insights
Apart from the flexibility factor, a hybrid cloud strategy provides privacy, data protection, performance, availability and much more. An in-memory database which runs on a cluster of standard servers is the perfect solution for your hybrid cloud.
Read the guide to a hybrid strategy >
Cloud vs. on-premise isn’t just a black-or-white discussion. Dig deeper in the technical aspects of your cloud strategy regarding availability and configuration & deployment agility.
Read more on availability and configuration >
What does Flexible Deployment mean in Exasol’s case? Explore the various platforms on which Exasol can run.
Learn more about Exasol’s platforms >
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