CCV “It just worked.”

Case Study

CCV is a leading payment solutions supplier in Europe. For more than 60 years, the family-run business has processed and managed customer loyalty card systems and other financial transactions.

Die Fakten

Hallertau, Germany
On Premises


The challenge

CCV’s data was stored in multiple data silos and processed via payment terminals in the Netherlands. To run any analytic query, data from MS SQL, DB2, and MySQL databases had to be merged — and it just took too long. Purchasing extra capacity wasn’t a viable alternative, and the company’s existing solution hit a wall.

The solution

CCV ran a POC, loading the Exasol test system with large data sets they were having trouble querying. Cees van Leuveren, CCV Business Intelligence Specialist: “Exasol was fast! It just worked. [And it] was a pretty straightforward process.” With Exasol in place to analyze product development and quality, CCV uses ETL tools from Talend to extract and load data sets, and Qlik and Excel as the BI front end.

We can sit down together with customers, change a process or product feature, analyze its benefits immediately and see if the customer likes it or not.

Cees van Leuveren, Business Intelligence Specialist, CCV

Der Nutzen

Benefits for CCV

Accelerated software development cycles

Tailored ERP calculations, including a logical data model containing table joins that can be calculated on the fly

Deep-dive statistical analytic queries using ‘R’ on the database

Integration of user-defined functions (UDFs), offering new possibilities for analysis

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