In the company‘s data center in Baden-Baden, encrypted data from 50,000 dealers and more than 5,000,000 products is consolidated and updated on an ongoing basis. B2B market-research applications are accessed 1 million times every month, and GfK Entertainment processes 500,000,000 sales reports, and — in the music sector alone — more than 500GB of raw data a year. GfK Entertainment data was doubling each year, and its Oracle database had reached its limit.
GfK Entertainment planned to continue using Oracle as an enterprise data warehouse and Exasol to create data marts for the video and music sectors. But after a brief evaluation process, GfK Entertainment decided to replace Oracle entirely with Exasol, which was installed and running in six weeks.
“We chose Exasol because it reduces the administration work and remains extremely powerful even when dealing with complex requests.”
Sven Zurnieden, Head of Database Services, GfK EntertainmentPowerful data management for complex ad hoc queries
Individual departments now have access to their own data marts
200 times more powerful than previous system
>1 minute to process complex requests and analyses
Low level of administration helps GfK Entertainment IT technicians reduce TCO