100x faster with Exasol’s in-memory system

Case Study

Econda is a leading provider of web analytics in Europe, offering customers shop monitoring, an e-commerce data center, and tools for automatic purchase recommendations. From a custom-designed dashboard, Econda customers can run analyses to adjust offers and respond to user behavior.

The Facts

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The Gist

The challenge

Econda’s speed relies on its supporting database, but its 2007 system couldn’t handle real-time analysis on 13 terabytes of raw data a month for more than 1,000 e-commerce companies.

The solution

Exasol’s in-memory database with central data store and analytical tools replaced Econda’s legacy system.

“We were very impressed with [Exasol’s] scalability offering, the low administrative effort, and the extensive support available to us.”

Ralf Saier, Econda Senior Software Developer


Benefits for Econda

Less than 1 minute run times on analytic workloads — 100 times faster than before.

Cohort analyses group users for in-depth look at customer behavior based on individual user interactions — not just “what products are viewed” but “which users viewed which products.”

By condensing data into specific behavioral patterns, Econda can form segments to better research customers and analyze marketing campaigns.

Turn your business intelligence into better insights today!