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Showing 191-193 of 193

Exasol vs Tableau Extracts – want to see how Exasol blows TDEs out of the water?

A Tableau Data Extract was used in this year’s Iron Viz competition, which added a small but significant additional challenge to the task. Each year at Tableau’s global conference (TC), a visualization competition is held called the Iron Viz Championship (#ironviz) and it’s one of the highlights for many conference attendees. Three participants who were […]

Tableau Stock May Have Taken A Tumble, But The Honeymoon For Tableau Is Long From Over

Tableau stock has dropped, but they can still generate a level of excitement that I have seen in few other products. Heralded as the darling of Wall Street, business intelligence and data lovers in general until last week, it would appear that Tableau has suddenly fallen from grace with many erstwhile admirers and investors given […]

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