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Cloud Analytics Top Database Performance Testing – Report

Exasol outstrips Snowflake and another major cloud data warehouse for performance and price-performance

You should never have to sacrifice budget control to improve the performance of your analytics database.

Exasol’s no-compromise analytics database takes care of this for you, delivering significant productivity gains, cost-savings and flexibility, without any trade-offs. Don’t just take our word for it, read the latest report conducted by McKnight Consulting Group, on Cloud Analytics Database Performance testing against Exasol, Snowflake, and another major cloud data warehouse (April 2023).

The report proves that Exasol wins on:

Query response times:

  • 3.6x faster than Snowflake
  • 20x faster than the unnamed data warehouse


  • Snowflake is nearly 17x more expensive than Exasol
  • Unnamed data warehouse is over 20x more expensive

‘Exasol is an excellent choice for data-driven companies needing high performance and a scalable, fully-managed analytical database in the cloud – at an attractive price for performance.’

Download the report today to see the full results of the benchmark.

*McKnight Consulting Group, ‘Cloud Analytics Database Performance Testing
*Product evaluation: Exasol, Snowflake, and another major cloud data warehouse’