In-Memory Database

What is an In-Memory Database? 

An in-memory database is a database that keeps the whole dataset in RAM. This means that whenever you query a database or update data in a database, you only access the main memory. So, it’s a lot faster as there’s no disk to slow it down.

Why use an In-Memory Database?

In an age when organizations need to be able to make better and more predictive decisions in-memory databases are essential for data analytics. The key is choosing an in-memory database that’s been designed for data analytics, and one that’s powerful and flexible enough do this no matter how your technology stack or data strategy evolves over time.

Latest In-Memory Database Insights

Learn more about what the in-memory technology is, how it works, and why it is so useful. Dive deeper and decide it for yourself if it is the best solution for your business needs.

Get more insights about in-memory technology >

Today, a number of in-memory analytic database systems can be found in the market – so how can you find the most suitable one for your business needs? Consider five things as you start searching for a new system.

Read the 5 things to consider >

Read an independent, full tech benchmark of in-memory databases and data analytics platforms, comparing speed, the ease of integration within the existing systems, window functions, data duplication, parallel data loading – and much more.

See the full benchmark >

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